Dear Fellow Terrestrials,

The last couple of hours I’ve been screening the Hirngerechte Gestaltung looking for the highlights and magic moments this blog quarried within its first year online. We, the self-appointed Jedi Knights of the digital Bohéme, thank you all for a wonderful year 2009. A year full of energy, errections and everything that also begins with an “e” and follows those two concepts consequentially…

“So?” – Some of you eager beavers might legitimately ask now:


The following: (unfortunately some of the following linked posts were written before we got our English Certificate , so just let the imagery speak for itself or go and learn German instead, for example here)

Three good though odd ways to add some extravaganza to your bedroom: 1st The Jailhouse-Fuck // 2nd A New Wardrobe // 3rd The Vagina Necklace (you decided wether it was a hit or a misstep on GEIL oder SCHEISSE)

A close analysis of Germany’s leading musical masterminds peppered with heaps of empathy and a shade of truth // hot-tempered debates on style matters // Gender Caboodle // and German Humour

The best rags were provided by ourselves, of course. And the best documentation on the peculiar meanders of the traveller, anyway! (More to come in 2010!)

Beyond that, we excercised ourselves in political correctness and never avoided a discussion that might change the world’s climate in one way or another. Sometimes it hurt, sometimes it touched. However, always bear in mind, there is someone looking out for us, always on the pursuit of wisdom and innovation.

We tried never to lose track of time, so we ended up presenting new ways to enjoy yourselves. We started as “Two“, but along the way we added a human phenomenon welike to call the Hirngerechte Außenreporter (extra terrestrial correspondent) who was quite an event himself. Furthermore, we also picked up stuff worth showing our good friend and certified Sex-Guru MC Winkel found on his quest for a better world. Biggies, MCW!

What else?

Associate of the year? Definetely Barack Obama aka Günter Wallraff!

Muses of the year? Most likely Florence Welch and Marina and the Diamonds

Sickest player of the year? Mr. Andrew McAuley M.I.A (missing in action) and R.I.P (rest in peace)

Last but not least, our top five songs of the year as always presented without a comment, without an order and without a doubt.
See ya’ll next year!